
Custom Furniture: Choosing the Ideal Upholstery Fabric

When purchasing new furniture for your home, you can choose between standard stock pieces or custom furniture. The latter is more expensive but the option is more favourable with regard to suitability. In simple terms, a bespoke piece of furniture is built to fit into your interior space perfectly. Moreover, you can choose the unique aspects of the products to match your individual preferences. One of these important elements is the fabric used to make the upholstery. Read More 

Water Stains On Teak: Mayonnaise Can Help With That!

It's summertime and there is a tonne of end-of-year entertaining to enjoy at your house. Your teak dining room set  from a company like The Teak Place is going to take pride of place during your festive celebrations, but it will also take quite the battering as friends and family congregate around the table. Teak furniture is well known for being durable due to the hardness of the wood, however, that doesn't mean it will make it to January without a few new marks and stains. Read More 

Why Opt for Custom Cabinets for Your Home’s Kitchen and Bathroom?

Custom cabinets may seem like a high-end luxury item for homeowners, but they are often more affordable than most people realize. They also offer some benefits that cannot be found with store-bought cabinets. When you're ready to do some renovating in your home, note a few reasons why you should at least consider custom cabinets for the kitchen and bathroom. 1. Hidden storage If you find that your kitchen or bathroom seem to lack storage, it may simply be that you're not taking full advantage of all the space in these rooms because of the current cabinets. Read More 

3 Benefits of an Open-plan Office Fitout

You may be wondering whether to go for an open-plan office fitout or a closed plan fitout in case you are moving your company offices to a new location or you are planning to refurbish the current offices. An open-plan fitout involves getting rid of all walls and doors between workstations of different employees while a closed plan fitout separates the workstation of each employee with doors and walls. This article discusses some of the benefits you are likely to enjoy if you choose the open-plan office fitout. Read More